Único help!

App for management and communication between BMG Bank franchisees.

Project Overview

Único help! is a company of BMG Bank and its objective is to allow communication between BMG and the franchisees of the help! system.

The developed mobile application has an Information section intended to maintain franchisees informed of the latest events and internal news. A Services section where the franchisee can monitor, interact and open tickets and occurrences, and check opportunities to open new franchises. It also provides a Dashboard to track the client's franchise performance metrics.

The Approach & Technologies

To develop the mobile application, Flutter with programming language Dart was chosen because it is a cross-platform technology that can be made available for Android and iOS platforms, counting with less development time and cost.

As for technical details, the repository pattern was used to access information via RESTful API in JSON format. For state management in Flutter, MobX was used to manage states reactively. A push notifications system was also implemented with Firebase.

Único help!

  • Client: Banco BMG
  • Company: Gigaservices
  • Year: 2021
  • Platform: Android & iOS

Flutter Dart MobX