
Online community and condominium management for building managers and residents.

Project Overview

MeuCondomínio is an online community and condominium management platform with the proposal to improve communication between building managers, residents and administrators.

The developed mobile application has features related to condominium management such as resident's registration, opening of occurrences, area reservation, packages management, among others. It also has functionalities related to online community, such as notice board and a residents mural.

The Approach & Technologies

The mobile application was developed for native Android with Java programming language. To define the application architecture, the MVP (Model-View-Presenter) pattern was used, making use of the presenter to manage the view states and communicate with the RESTful APIs of the remote server. For HTTP requests, the Retrofit dependency was chosen.


  • Client: Eletromídia
  • Company: Gigaservices
  • Year: 2019
  • Platform: Android

Android Java MVP Retrofit