Kemel Flex

Payment solution with benefits card management and digital withdrawal option.

Project Overview

Kemel Flex is a benefits management platform. The mobile application to be developed will have an initial interface displaying the benefit cards and current balance information, a card management area where the user will be able to make digital withdrawals, block and unblock the card, request a duplicate card, among other features. It will also be possible to view the statement referring to the cards and follow the summary of monthly expenses through graphs for a better understanding.

The Challenge

Because it is a payment application that handles people's money, the biggest challenge is regarding security measures when carrying out financial transactions.

In order to guarantee greater security and reliability when consume the RESTful APIs of the remote server by the mobile application, all calls must first be encrypted before being sent, where, upon receiving the encrypted response, it must be inversely decrypted so that the information can be used by the application.

The Approach & Technologies

To develop the mobile application, we chose Flutter with Dart programming language, as it is a cross-platform technology that can be made available for Android and iOS platforms with less development time and cost.

As for technical details, we use Clean Architecture so that business rules can be better managed in set with repository pattern for accessing information via RESTful API in JSON format. For state management in Flutter, we use MobX to manage states reactively.

Kemel Flex

  • Client: Jazz Tech
  • Company: Gigaservices
  • Year: 2022
  • Platform: Android & iOS

Flutter Dart MobX Clean Architecture